Are you looking at purchasing a business?

There are a large number of issues that arise when you purchase a business which need to be reviewed and checked.

  • what is the best structure for you to acquire the business?
  • what are the tax consequences of the different structures?
  • what are the liability issues for the proprietors?


There are also due diligence issues with regard to the business you are purchasing

  • what are the terms of the lease of the premises?
  • are there any trade marks, patents or trade secrets to be transferred?
  • what entitlements do any employees have?
  • is the vendor transferring the employees?
  • what are the terms of the agreement?
  • is the vendor providing restraints of trade?
  • are there key employees to be retained?

Are you looking at selling a business?

If you are selling your business you need to provide certain information to a purchaser if the value of the business is less than $350,000.

  • What warranties should you provide to a purchaser?
  • What are your obligations to employees of the business?
  • What is the best way for the transaction to be structured to maximise the return to the Vendor and minimise any taxation consequences?


If you need advice in any of these areas contact Neville Windebank, an Accredited Specialist in Business Law, with more than 30 years experience to discuss the matter.

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